Archive for the ‘outbox’ Category

No. 2

Montag, Januar 2nd, 2012


Of course, a variation of a famous quote. And part of my motto for 2012.

First mailart 2012

Montag, Januar 2nd, 2012


Today I brought my first mailart for 2012. Heading towards Nüdlingen 🙂

Historical sensation!

Samstag, Juni 19th, 2010


This card for Roland Halbritter went to the postbox. May be, the history of mail art must be rewritten.


Samstag, Mai 22nd, 2010

Detail of the mail art card LUST-Waffe

Today I sent cards to Roland and to WeimArt, answering the LUST call. As usual you see just a detail as long as the cards are on there way 🙂

(materials: postcard, colored pencil, air pistol)

GG Art. 20

Mittwoch, Mai 19th, 2010


Die zweite Karte, die ich für Roland geklebt habe. Bissel simples agit prop …

The season is opened

Mittwoch, Mai 19th, 2010


After such a long time I did two cards. Both going to Roland. This year I will try to protect my brain from mail art calls for they are narrowing my thinking too much (but that is my fault, of course).

Long Time No Mail

Donnerstag, Dezember 10th, 2009

After such a long time being in a state of artistic zombieness I finished a card going out to Roland. Check his great Bismarck Mail Art Call.



Update: You can see the card on Roland’s blog.

Bismarck to go

Mittwoch, Juli 29th, 2009


(just a detail from a card that goes to Roland’s Bismarck-call)

Bismarck call from Roland

Freitag, Juli 17th, 2009

For quite a while I was too busy for mail art. But here we go again.

After his exciting call for mail on Andreas Hofer with so many great contributions (there are still cards arriving!) Roland started a new call: Otto von Bismarck, one of the well-known German politicians and a very interesting ambiguious charakter. Great to know that there will be an exhibition!

My collage cards arrived:

(Der Lotse geht von Bord)

(Der Laotse geht von Bord)

Cats arrived :-)

Mittwoch, Januar 21st, 2009

Inspired by a package of matches Roland sent to me a while ago, he was for good reason the first to get my new cat stamp creation 🙂